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Experience the freshness of clean air with our Advanced Air Purifier, equipped with a powerful activated carbon filter. Designed for both home and office use, this state-of-the-art device effectively removes a wide range of airborne contaminants, including dust, pollen, smoke, odors, and volatile organic compounds (VOCs). The activated carbon filter utilizes its highly porous structure to adsorb and trap these pollutants, ensuring that you breathe in only the purest air. With its sleek design, quiet operation, and user-friendly controls, our Advanced Air Purifier is the perfect addition to any space seeking a healthier indoor environment.
Desain Filter V-berbentuk V:
Opsi pigura logam awet:
Pilihan pigmen plastik sing entheng:
Desain kothak kompak:
Efisiensi filtrasi dhuwur:
Keuntungan Desain:
Efisiensi sing ora ana gandhengane:
Ngirit energi:
Urip Filter Lengkap:
Ukuran serba:
Filter HEPA Filter Volume Deshengxin HEGENGXIN Tinggi nampilake pinunjul piranti filtrasi, nggabungake prowess filter berbentuk V kanthi teknologi HEPA. Kanthi saringan vak canggih, sampeyan bisa entuk efisiensi, linuwih, lan kinerja. Sistem DSX sing dirancang kanthi metoriDo bisa nemtokake pathokan anyar ing teknologi filtrasi udara, perpisahan perpisahan kanggo konsumsi energi lan biaya pangopènan sing asring. Nggawe solusi sing luar biasa iki sing ngasilake asil sing luar biasa.
Ing ngisor iki sawetara spesifikasi penggemar EC Centrifugal Deshengxin, sing bisa disesuaikan kanggo nyukupi kabutuhan khusus.
Nglereni laser | Pusat Bendungan Cnc | Cnc Punch Press Punching |
Cnc Lending | Produksi motor DSX | Produksi motor |
Produksi motor | Ngasilake impeller | Ngimbangi Impeller |
Tes motor | Produksi Blower | Tes blower |
Produksi Filter Kimia | Produksi Filter Kimia | Produksi Filter Kimia |
HEPA Filter Filter | Produksi Filter Filter Khusus | Produksi Filter W-Tipe |
Filter suhu sing dhuwur | Bengkel rivet | Welding laser |
Lokakarya Welding | Lokakarya Welding | Ngethok profil |
Majelis FFU | Majelis FFU | Majelis FFU |
Majelis Kamar Pancuran Udara | Bengkel Produksi Bench sing resik | Bengkel Produksi Bench sing resik |
Pass box of bengkel produksi | Workshop produksi HEPA kothak | Tes kothak HEPA |
Produksi efu | Gudang | Pengiriman |