Sistem ventilasi seger

Sistem ventilasi seger


Katrangan direktori sistem udhara seger

Pambuka: Temokake intine udhara seger, sehat kanthi sistem udhara seger. Dirancang kanggo nambah kualitas udara njero ruangan, sistem mesthekake pasokan udhara sing seger, disaring nalika kanthi efisien fucking fale, hawa sing kontaminasi.

Fitur utama:

  1. Filtrasi Lanjut:

    • Dilengkapi saringan karbon HEPA lan diaktifake kanggo njupuk partikel 99,97% minangka 0.3 mikron, kalebu bledug, serbuk sari, kumelun, kumelun, lan polutan sing mbebayani.
    • Opsional UV-C Sterilisasi UV-C kanggo ngresiki udhara kanthi mateni bakteri lan virus.
  2. Efisiensi Energi:

    • Nggunakake motor konsumsi tenaga lan ventilasi pemulihan energi (ERV (ERV) kanggo nyuda panggunaan energi.
    • Efisiensi ijol-ijolan termal njamin kerugian panas minimal utawa entuk sajrone ventilasi.
  3. Kontrol Smart:

    • Integrasi karo sistem automasi omah kanggo Control lancar liwat aplikasi smartphone, printah swara, utawa panel tutul.
    • Monitor Monitor kualitas udara njero ruangan lan nyetel tarif ventilasi kanthi sesuai, njamin kepenak lan efisiensi sing optimal.
  4. Solusi sing bisa disesuaikan:

    • Kasedhiya ing macem-macem ukuran lan konfigurasi cocog karo papan sing beda, saka kamar siji nganti kabeh bangunan.
    • Opsi ventilasi ruangan-ruangan nyedhiyakake target udara sing dibutuhake.
  5. Instalasi & Maintenance Gampang:

    • Layanan Instalasi Profesional njamin proses persiyapan kanthi lancar.
    • Saringan lan komponen sing gampang kanggo nganakake pangopènan lan reresik rutin.
  6. Mupangat Kesehatan:

    • Nyuda risiko penyakit pernapasan, alergi, lan serangan asma kanthi njaga hawa njero ruangan sing resik.
    • Ningkatake kesejahteraan lan produktivitas kanthi menehi lingkungan sing luwih kepenak lan kerja.

Komponen sistem:

  • Unit intake udara: Nggambar hawa seger saka njaba lan ngliwati sistem filtrasi.
  • Sistem Filtrasi: Kasusun saka HEPA, karbon sing diaktifake, lan saringan UV-C uv-c kanggo dimurneni udara sing komprehensif.
  • Unit exhaust: Mbusak hawa stale, kontaminasi saka ruang njero ruangan.
  • Panel Kontrol: Ngidini kanggo ngontrol manual utawa otomatis sistem, kalebu nyetel tarif ventilasi lan ngawasi kualitas udara.
  • Ducting & Penyebaran: Nyebarake hawa sing resik kanthi merata ing ruang.


  • Cocog kanggo setelan omah, komersial, lan industri.
  • Cocog kanggo ningkatake kualitas udara ing omah, kantor, sekolah, rumah sakit, lan liya-liyane.

Hubungi kita:

Kanggo informasi luwih lengkap babagan sistem udara seger, kalebu rega, Layanan Instalasi, lan rencana pangopènan, hubungi kita ing [Pasang informasi kontak]. Tim ahli kita siyap kanggo mbantu sampeyan nggawe lingkungan njero ruangan sing luwih sehat, luwih kepenak.

Purifikasi-salinan Air Volume Hawa dhuwur

Introducing the DSX Heat Recovery Ventilation System, a cutting-edge solution designed to revolutionize indoor air quality and energy efficiency in any building. This advanced mechanical ventilation system utilizes a highly efficient heat exchanger to transfer the heat from stale, outgoing air to incoming fresh air. By doing so, it maintains a comfortable indoor temperature while significantly reducing energy consumption. The DSX system operates on a dual-airflow principle, with one stream extracting stale air from the building and another introducing fresh air. The two airflows pass through the heat exchanger, where the heat from the outgoing air is transferred to the incoming air. This process预热s incoming air in winter and pre-cools it in summer, enhancing energy efficiency and comfort levels. Our DSX Heat Recovery Ventilation System offers numerous benefits, including improved indoor air quality by continuously replacing stale air with fresh air, increased energy efficiency through heat recovery, better humidity control to prevent mold and moisture buildup, and cleaner, healthier air for occupants, enhancing overall health and well-being.

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Sistem ventilasi pemulihan panas-salinan

ntroducing the DSX Advanced Ventilation System, a cutting-edge solution designed to revolutionize indoor air quality. Engineered with the latest technology, the DSX system ensures a constant supply of fresh, purified air, creating a healthier and more comfortable living or working environment. Our system features high-efficiency filters that trap and neutralize dust, pollen, allergens, harmful particles, and even viruses, providing you with clean, breathable air. The ultra-quiet operation minimizes disturbance, allowing you to enjoy a peaceful atmosphere while the system works seamlessly in the background. The DSX Ventilation System is equipped with smart controls, enabling you to customize the ventilation settings according to your preferences and indoor air quality conditions. Whether you're looking to improve air circulation in your home, office, or commercial space, the DSX system offers unparalleled performance and efficiency. With its energy-saving design and easy installation process, the DSX Ventilation System is the perfect choice for anyone seeking to enhance their indoor air quality. Experience the difference with DSX – breathe easier, live better.

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